Who We Are
Who We Are

Who We Are
Who We Are
This journey started 10 years ago, when we faced many problems in our society and then we realised we should do something for our society. When you want to start good impact on society then first start with yourself because it's going to start with you. Everything first starts with your thoughts, so think wisely for everyone because every life has an equal value.
In December 2018, we officially started our work as a charitable trust "SHIKHA RAY OF LIGHT TRUST". Our first program we did was on Education because we believe when people are educated then, it can make a good impact on themselves, society and the world. After starting our Education program we decided to start a Skill Development program because we saw the impact it made on a person's life; they got a job and most importantly we saw good changes in their thinking which made a massive influence on their lifestyle. Seeing the impression our programs made we started other programs like Healthcare, Cloth donation, and Awareness classes, etc.
Throughout our journey we met such amazing people who had a positive outlook on the world and the desire to make a difference as well as people who had a more negative view of the world. However both were a good experience for us to learn more about how we can improve the quality of our work , because what you say is not that important for others or effective but what you do is what matters, your action's output will impact society. We love connecting with people who also want to make a difference and that's why we are very thankful for those they appreciate our work and help us on our impactful journey.
We seek to unlock the maximum potential inside every individual.

Meet The Team

Narendra Singh
Namste 🙏🏻
I am a digital product designer and I love helping others, so I started this charitable trust.